String Instruments

You have certainly seen, and maybe even tried, many 3D printed instruments.  They have all been very disappointing... am I right?
    This is because they have all been designed to look neat or to be easy to print.  These are, unfortunately, not the best design rules to make a good sounding instrument. 
 At 3D-Strings.ch we want to change that.  Our instruments have been developed to sound good.  That they look good too is only secondary.  The development process from an instrument sounding like a bland plastic box to an instrument sounding like a "real" violin took more than 2 years and many, many attempts.

 If you take a close look at a 3D-Strings acoustic instrument you will see many things that may look strange, or at least very different from a wooden instrument.  Those are among the changes that were made to get an instrument that sounds like a violin or viola from 3D printed materials.

 We make violins and violas with a pure shape and pure sound.

All instruments include our original tuning system in the peg box, no fine tuners are needed
The instruments have a built in chin rest and are delivered with a 3D printed shoulder rest
The parts of the instrument that are less involved in the sound making can be ordered in a wide variety of colors and aspects (the sound-making parts are black or dark grey)